Thursday, May 27, 2010


Quote of the day "I think I put more effort in walking down here to eat than the CSs put into making the food." -Brandi Holland.

With the abundant time I am given, my mind tends to wander, and I also have been watching an array of movies lately. After I ran through all the movies that I actually enjoyed watching and all that was left was the movies from my friends CD collections that I'd never see myself viewing in a million years. But yesterday I attempted to watch Precious.

Here is my review on it
Right off the bat I dreaded watching this movie, and truth be told, I only got twenty five minutes into the movie. What did me in so quickly you ask? Well aside from the horrible scene where the mother tries to hit Precious with a frying pan upside her head, oh and the sweaty rape scene it was the fried chicken! I get that she's a troubled girl, getting raped and impregnated by her mom's supposed boyfriend, sixteen and still in middle school. But I could no longer take part in the viewing of this movie when the main character steals a bucket of chicken from a local eatery and watching that woman run, while eating friend chicken was just too much for my psyche to handle. I'd like to highlight the fact that she had pieces of chicken on not one but both of her chins. My advice to Precious; sleep in the gym, take walks and work out, get a job (she is sixteen and all you have to do is write your name on an application) get fit and go back and beat your moms ass! It's a shame that I couldn't stomach this movie, because I hear it was quite the tale, I think it took home a few awards, right?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Looking at this damn blog made me take a very unneeded trip down memory lane. After I read some of my old blogs I came to the conclusion that I am the exact same person I am today. I was looking at old pictures from my birthday last year on the boat, and reading about myself taking the advancement exam (I've taken it twice since then) and just how much I didn't care. I was more worried about getting a breakfast burrito in a dress and getting a tan than advancing in the navy and I still am the exact same way. You'd think time would change me a little, but in that area it hasn't at all. As for seeing other things, well it just makes me want to delete my entire iphoto! Sometimes there are people you just wish you could block out of your life entirly and forever and ever and after that too! But you can't and you still have to walk around this boat seeing all his past mistakes (a few of which you live with) I'm just saying it feels like time to close a damn book and start a new one already! Next month I would be getting out of the navy had I not been an idiot and signed up for that fifth year. I'd never have to see Randy again, deal with the drama of shiesty navy people and all their issues! California sun on my face everday and family by my side...

but thats not the way the story goes, is it? Because I'm sitting here looking out at a pitch black flight deck watching the clock wishing the minutes would go by faster and the sun would come up so I can go to bed and pass another day. Not much of "living" going on in my life. But this is underway and work. not much time for anything else.
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Blogging works again on the boat?

for some reason I wasn't able to access my blog from the boat's computers. But now... I am? Whatev, so I just finished up season three of Ugly Betty and am really sad that there will no longer be any witty banter from Amanda and Marc. I am forced to wait till we pull in to buy season four, but then its really over, forever! Because I googled Marc to see if he was gay in real life or just really good at acting like a queen, and turns out that the show was canceled after four seasons due to low ratings... oh and Marc is really gay, and his name is Michael Urie in real life. Also I want him to be my new best friend!

That's all that's really going on out here, whever we are :( Oh and tomorrow is my birthday. This would normally be the part where I incert tragic, yet horribly true pictures of myself celebrating my "golden year" birthdays in the Air Department Office, but the work computer doesn't allow me to upload photos, thus bringing down the quality of my blog. My life is so boring.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I made a boy cry tonight, it was easier than I had planned for

Fridays are usually more crazy in my life right now, but tonight was some good clean fun. I made a boy cry, did a line of crushed up nerds, and did some hard work EMI.

First off I just have to say I got a new drug prescribed to me that is kicking the bacteria's bottom today. I can almost feel my lips again, this is good news. I am still drinking out of a straw and everything I eat is a painfully burning experience but I can see a drastic change for the better.

So after a long day of needle gunning my LPO remembers that I am in trouble and I stay two hours after work, doing some more needle gunning. It wasn't that horrible. The weather was warm, I listened to Miley Cyrus while I chipped away and there was this gorgeous sunset that makes you want to watch it with someone you love.

After work I came home to a bunch of girls in my room. We all went to Chili's for Ana's 20th birthday. (Little tired of b-day's this month. Cavanaught, Brem, Rod, and now Ana- all at Chili's) But she had a good turn out of people and instead of sitting with my regular company of people- Brem, Ashley, Rod, Arrica, Heaton, and Lomeli- I ended up sitting across from Graffam and Jeremy. I haven't spent time with him since we lived together with Victor so it was nice to talk about old VA times and his wife and daughter.

This is where I made a boy cry. If you don't know, I have this ability to get under people skin and drive them crazy with kindness. I like to watch people get crazy and make a fool out of them self an all I have to do is smile and wave and say 'okay best friend for live, so that means we're hanging out later.' But this kid just kept walking into walls. He made it too easy for me. At one point (while he was banging on a closed cab door to try to fight the guy inside) I said Wow lets take him to the honch and see what he does in front of Shore Patrol, he'll be our entertainment for the night... hold on Can you please use that vulgar language in front of that 7 year old again... and let me get it on camera so I can upload it to youtube and show everyone how cool you are and how we all want to be your friend. He said he was going to knock me out, and I believed him. But to be honest it would have been worth it to see this kid get stuck on the boat for 4 months then get kicked out of the navy for hitting a girl. I told him why would you hit little ol' me? All I want is for us to be friends forever and share our secrets. :) People who let me control them should watch out... I'll go to town, I just can't resist.

Before this is where me snorting a line of nerds comes into play. For the girls birthday there were trick-or-treat sized nerd boxes strewn out on the table. This kid, whom I do not know, stacked them up and I said looks like Jenga, wanna play? Looser has to snort a line of it. He agrees and the way they are stacked I know if go first he'll be forced to loose. I can count... it wasn't too hard to figure out. So he looses and refuses to hold up his end of the deal. I volunteer myself and the rest of the night I had a sweet sugary taste dripping down the back of my throat, like candy on tap.

After this I decide it best if I go home and take a night "off" from my extensive partying. I'm trying to be over here with angle wings.

I miss you. I hope you had a safe flight. Tell you mom I said hi. Make sure you give Bam Bam some attention too. <3

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pray for me to be home sooner than we thought

Hi Kiddo's
Latley I haven't been able to sleep much. But that's another whole story in itself. Right now I feel better because 1. I got to talk to my mom on the fone and 2. I have decided to submit my request for an early separation from the navy.

Its something that I've known about for a while, just never had the... you know to go through with it. So here we go...
So far I've email the person who is supposed to help me write up my paperwork and he emailed me back. we'll probably be meeting tomorrow to discuss "the deal" i'm making with the devil.

I already know from the little research I've done that I have to pay the navy back the bonus they gave me for signing up for a 5th year. Which amounts to $4000 after taxes got taken out. A $4000 that I remember buying stupid things with such as a camera, phone, and my car AKA Paco the Purple Pathfinder (which is a much larger mistake within itself. FYI VA is a common wealth state, that means they can randomly charge you five hundred and thirty dollars for owning a car in their state even if your car has been in south carolina for the last two years :) But the more and more I live here and deal with the things on this boat the more that the $4000 is looking like a 99 cent price tag.

So pray for me! Pray that when I turn it in the majority will approve rather than deny. They freeking should half of them know me and agree with me and the other half hate me and fire me from my leadership position and bitch about the fact that the date of my separation is tattooed on my wrist.

So if I were to get this passed (knock on wood, cross your fingers) then this would mean I'd be getting out a year early. My original date of separation is september 11 of 2011. So i'd be getting out in september 11 of 2010, which is 9 months from today.

So pray for me!