Thursday, December 31, 2009

Those were the days... that was LAST NIGHT!

OK Last night! Wow! When a pregnant lady is the first one to hold your beer bong up for you, well you know its going to be a good night! By the way Thanks Jennifer. So we start out at Popeye's where the drinks are seriously 98% vodka and a splash of whatever else to give it color. Popeye calls this a chu hi. I call it the start of the end. We make our way down the honch... Geo's- which we didn't go in for fear of getting our white asses kicked for being the only white girls in there... Tom and yack's was empty. Brandi walked into George's (a country bar) I followed and got three steps in when I saw a kid in full camo hunting overalls! I about DIED! Then somehow I was back in the street. I didn't hear any music so the pain of being in a country bar must have made me jet out of there faster than the speed of sound. Of course we ended in Kenny's. My last favorite bar... two girls got in a fight (it was hilarious) I did the Jerk with my new jerk crew. lol

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

A smoker is a smoker and a liar is a liar.

How hard is it to quit smoking? If you wanted something bad enough couldn't you do it for yourself of someone that you love? If it meant breaking up a relationship would you be able to stop? I guess I am just the kind of person that always gets her way no matter what and keeps asking till she gets the answer she wants. No doesn't always mean no. You just have to keep asking till you get the answer that you want to hear.

Maybe some people are just more weak than others. Maybe they don't know how to say No to their friends when they are offered a cigarette. Maybe they never really intended on quitting and they were just telling that person what they wanted to hear to shut them up for the moment.

You can't base a relationship off that and you can't have a marriage with it either.

Every ones seen He's Just Not That Into You, right? Where the husband is a liar. First he's just lying about the fact that he's smoking and telling his wife that he's quit because her father died of lung cancer. Then he's lying about his affair with another woman. In the end he's a sack of shit and she buys him a whole carton on cigarettes and leaves a note that says 'knock yourself out. P.S. I want a divorce.' I left a similar note, mine wasn't as poetic as that, "told you not to smoke, you trailer trash.' The message is all the same. A smoker is a smoker, and a liar is always a liar. Weather its today when he lies to you at the Navy Lodge and says "I'll quit" and feeds you the same bull shit as before or its its a lie about how he cheated 'No baby I never made out with Owens from security' Sooner or later its going to end, forever and for good. Better tomorrow than married with kids, hopefully today rather than tomorrow.

See this is where having orders that tie you to the same place the liar, cheater, smoker works really gets you down.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A "Good" Time to start your life...

Being in the Navy on a forward deployed carrier I see girls getting pregnant all the time. The fact of the matter here is that since I've arrived to the boat on February 11th 2007 (kind of a date that sticks with you. Similar to how prisoners remember the date they were sentenced.) I've seen well over 100-150 girls leave because they got pregnant. That is statically speaking, and its only the girls that I know in Air Department, not even taking into calculations the females from other departments. FYI they are about 6 hundred people in Air Department and 5500 people station onboard the USS George Washington. You can do the math.

Most of these pregnancies occurred during the ships transition from Norfolk VA to Yokosuka, Japan. Perhaps many females were scared to come to a country that didn't speak the language, culture shock is crippling for some. Or maybe they truly had intentions of fulfilling their dream to start a family and become a mother. Which ever it is, females have been getting themselves in this particular situation over and over again. Personally I've watch and helped many a friend back up those 4 cubes of what is their life as they know it and leave back to the states to start a new life, one where they're not the number 1 priority anymore.

Every time this happens I talk with my dad about it. Personally I think he might think that I am having the same thoughts of these girls because his response is always the same "Now is not a good time Sam, you need a house and a more money." My moms response is similar "Build a nest first honey." This always leaves me asking... When is a "good" time to have kids?

Here is how I see the next 10-15 years of my life playing out, and surprisingly there isn't one year that looks theoretically a "good time to start a family."

From 2006-2011 I will be in the same boat I am in now: USS George Washington. Sadly I am legally bound to call that some odd tons of metal and more metal "home." Not a good place to raise a baby. However while it may be true that if I found out I was pregnant tomorrow I would be on the first plane back to San Deigo, which happens to be my real home and also the place that every girl on my boat gets sent to when they pop positive for sperm. They would give me money for an apartment and living expenses and I wouldn't have to hear those God awful words "pulling lines and raising anchor USS George Washington is expected to get underway in ___ hours." The down side to this is my boyfriend, baby's father, soon to be husband, or fiancé would be on the boat when those words were said over the 1MC. I'd be going through pregnancy all alone, and then raising a baby all on my own. Not to mention that I'd be set free of the Navy by the time "my baby" was one. Set free with no degree and no income and a one year old baby. The picture is looking very dark for something that should be such a beautiful time in ones life.
My 4 years in the navy, 2006-2011 = not a "good" time to have a baby/start a family.

On September 11, 2011 a date that is burned into my head, and just happens to be tattooed onto my left wrist, is a date that I NEVER want to forget. Its the day that my contract with the military is over. I'm free and the GI Bill is going to pay my rent, books, and college tuition for the next three years. This too seems like not a good time to have a child, what with my full time student status and part-time job to pay the side bills like a car, medical and dental coverage and anything else. 2011-2014 AKA I am now 26 or 27. Still sadly = not a "good" time to have a baby/start a family. Oh also I'm sure I would get married sometime around here, and he'd say... (the golden words) "You should enjoy your time right now sammy girl, its not going to be just you and your husband forever. Once you have the baby its all over." :) ha love you dad! haha

After college obviously comes career. So say I get my degree and become a registered nurse and find a job at a local hospital. I am now 27 years old, ew... am I supposed to tell my boss three months into the job "Hey look I know you just hired me, however I've been waiting patiently for 7 years to have a child and start a family.... so can I get paid vacation time for that or something." No matter how cool of a boss that is he will either fire you for being a moron and actually asking that stupid question out loud or fire you... so you can have you kid that you've been wanting for so long. So I work for two years minimum and now I'm thirty one. :( yet still this time in my life = not a "good" time to have a child/start a family.

** Please keep in mind that a 22 year old body is going to bounce back faster and better after a pregnancy than a 30 year olds. Not to mention that I've always wanted to be a young mom, so they know that I'm sharp and won't try to pull a fast one on me.

So now I am Samantha Aker, a college graduate, a registered nurse and 5 years of service to her country. I have many great accomplishments however I never got to do the one thing that I wanted more than anything: to have my own family. To take my daughter/son on the train from San Diego to HB to meet his grandpa so we can have a bon fire at the beach with all his aunts. Or to have my Meme see her great great great grandchild.... because I know the ol bat is pushing her numbers but I love her so much and I am so thankful that I got to know her because she's a pretty interesting old woman. My sisters will attest to that, Meme's always been there for us and I would be SO pissed off if my daughter never got to have her in her life. Everybody has their own priorities and they change from day to day but when I look back at my life I don't want my greatest accomplishment or most important event in my life to be that I made Chief...woooo. No, I want to know that myself and my "husband" put something into this world, and also they have to take care of my old ass and wheel me around and feed me pancakes. No one wants to be old and alone and not have some great history.

So after reading all that.... When do you think is a "good" time? I'm interested to hear opinions.

Friday, September 25, 2009

There are worse things that could have happened

You can survey the damage for yourself. :(

Than buying a brand new thousand dollar macbook on the third of the month then having the screen crack on the 23rd and the "warranty doesn't cover it."

The US could somehow freakishly loose the war and we could all be governed by those wakie Iraquies. Suicide bombers would teach your kids in school. It would be worse...

Korea might actually launch a missile that reaches the United States.

I could have taken out a loan to pay for my new/old now macbook and still be paying on a broken piece of $#1T.

My ship could pull-out tomorrow.

My hair could all fall out :(

I could be broke. (This is a good point, because I usually am close to broke this time of month, Right before pay-day)

Global Warming

There are lots of things. So I am going to stop crying over spilt milk.

** This blog comes to you from Randy's perfectly intact macbook.

I wonder if I should shell out and buy a new one. This hurts. What would you do?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Death Grip on Your Life

Turns out that even when the Navy says "your free" You're really not! Poor Derick and Jamey are stuck here longer than the navy said they would be. Well at first they said they're out on the 28th and 29th of this month but now they're telling them they're leaving on the 8th because flights only leave out on Sundays. The 8th is a Tuesday.

If this doesn't prove how difficult it is to get away what can? I feel bad because I was like Oh really your not leaving till you don't know when. I can be out of here before you, because I'm a girl. The only way your leaving this B1#(h is if your pregnant or you jump in-front of a car.... if the first two don't apply you better load up on spaghetti-0s and baby wipes because your going underway in October with everyone else! :) Love the Navy Life. Sailors are meant to be on ships and ships are meant to be underway. Wish my recruiter would have told me that.

Well I've got to go find something else to occupy my time. Cap'n says we've got to be here till 4, on the dot. (It's true, he'll hold us here like prisoners until four'o'clock bell rings. I think the extra ten minutes that we have to give him mean the world to him) Its only 11am.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Randy's Duty Day :(

Today I had to rely on myself to entertain myself. Not an easy task. So after I woke up at nine am I decided to clean the house. After I did all the dishes and threw in a load of laundry in I was bored again. So I took a trip... and ended up in Yokohama. I got really lost which is weird because I know how to get there. I think it's because I decided to be adventurous and take whatever path I wanted. I took three trains there and walked around for about an hour once I got there. I guess I took the wrong exit. So now I'm back home.

I picked up some cute rain boots, since it rains here almost every other day, and some fresh flowers that sadly do not have a pot to live in. I am going to go to the nex after this and pick up a home for my flowers and maybe a new bed spread if they have any nice ones. With the boat pulling in its been slim pickin's with the necessities: bedding, hangers, clothes.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Number 5

Four hours of my life :) But it was worth it because its gorgeous!! My tattoo artist really liked it and took a picture of it, so it will probably end up in her profile online :( Nobody better copy me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Randy's Tattoo

The Before
Right After

Advancement Day

Today was the test for petty officer. It started at seven thirty and it is now 910am and I am in the park in my civilian clothes drinking a soy chai and eating a very hefty breakfast burrito.

I considered reading every question to give the perception that I cared, but it was such a gorgeous day outside and I just did all my laundry so I had a pretty dress that I wanted to wear that allows me to get a nice tan-lines-free tan. So it was either pretend that I was actually trying and waste a perfectly good morning, not to mention the breakfast menu at the American Grill or "christmas tree" the test and enjoy another Great Navy Day in Yokosuka.

I'm not so sure why everyone is so quick to defend the Navy when they find out I'd rather not advance. Perhaps they've forgotten all the times the navy has screwed them over by taking away their freedom or something they've worked hard for to get. Some people must like being told what to wear, and being away from their families, or told that they are not allowed to be with their boyfriend.

Not me!! I am one for destroyed jeans, giving my boyfriend a hug when he needs it and land!!! I'm a huge fan of land and all the great amenities that come along with it. One of my favorites is grass and seeing the sun, also the great affects the sun has on the color of my skin. I do not enjoy being white as a ghost from a 4 month deployment. I also feel so bad for the girls who come here and fall in love and decide that they want to start a family and have a baby. Their options are limited to get pregnant and leave the command, also leaving their boyfriend (who can't be their husband, because you are not allowed to get married to someone in your command) and continuing their pregnancy alone, or wait. Wait till their time in the Navy is complete. Waiting is not fun, let me tell you. Waiting for the part of your life that you care about isn't fun.

Oh advancement day, if I had a dollar for every time someone said "well advance for the money." That is sad. I really don't need the money. Plus if I get a 1300 pay check I will probably loose faith and say 'Oh I'm fine, the Navy isn't that bad. I don't do much and get this nice little check on the 1st and the 15th.' Its important to remember the grass. Having a home, and a family. Being able to see your family daily or weekly or at your free will. Having the ability to make choices for yourself. I'm only 21, but I can't remember the last time someone put a curfew on me and told me "you can't wear that."

Perhaps I am jaded though. I hear my command is horrible compared to other commands in the Navy. Am I really supposed to aspire to be like my first class petty officer LPO who can't even compose a professional/casual email. I understand spelling and grammar isn't everyones strong suit, my sister will tell you I can't spell for crap, but if she saw what this 40 year old man was writing she would laugh. But he is my leader, and although his emails are more like cave paintings where you have to depict what the author is trying to convey (which is difficult when you think he might be trying to tell you to muster at a certain time) I have to follow him.

One of their favorite sayings is "Why wouldn't you like this? We get paid for doing nothing, maybe sweeping once in a while." I am so glad you have such high goals and expectations for yourself. Yes that is EXACTLY what I want for my career and life. I would love nothing more than to look back at my career and say yeah, I achieved so much! I am proud of me!

How people join this organization and stay is beyond me. I don't think I'll ever fully comprehend things like the CO closing the brow come time to get off of work. That would be like your boss seeing the clock hit five, running to the office doors and chaining them shut saying "nope sorry, maybe later when I feel like it." Or how this organization makes you wear your salary on your uniform. Not only that but your get treated with less respect if your lower. I think its in the petty officer handbook that when you make rank you don't have to use your manners and you can treat lower ranked sailors like they aren't human beings. After all they do call us "bodies." Like hey v-5 needs to send two bodies down to help carry on boxes of shit.

So with that said I bid you good day. I SAID GOOD DAY!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

They blew up my house!!

This is probably the scariest thing i've ever seen. I would be dead because one went right into the tower and my berthing is under it. 

Tokyo Disney March 09

Randy's First Trip 
He did not want to take this but made him.
Seriously this was a four hour wait. It was our first ride too!! 
We were so happy that we got the front of the log!!!!! It was cool to be next to him too. That's not the way my Disneyland is.
This is after we landed. Being in the front of the log had its advantages... Like seeing Randy's face afterwards. :)
Churro, ears, and some hot chocolate!! Perfect days do exist. 
He actually wanted to get mickey gloves all on his own. I think it was all the better to beat me with but it was fun holding is hand.
The electric parade, where I danced out of control to the music!!
Their castle at night. 

Easter Sunday

Hey!! Happy Easter Everyone!! So I finally am getting around to writing this. I'm actually sitting in the park right now blogging. No lie... see there's a picture to prove it. Anyways everyone has been asking me why I haven't blogged in a while. 
Randy brought me a bouquet of daisies and a sugar free vanilla chai latte to my window. I took one and put it in my hair!! I LOVE spring! The weather is getting so nice. Almost as nice as Huntington. I've been able to wear shorts and dresses almost everyday!
So here's what's been going on lately. Randy and I celebrated Easter today. He got me a basket. It had hypnotic in it, hahah. Then we just went to go see Shopaholic. It hit very close to home! I feel like that's how I'm going to turn out. Only she was $1600 in debt and had to sell ALL her cloths to break even. I could never do that. I know how she feels though, I had to give away a few things when I left for boot camp. It was like giving away my children. 
I made you an egg mom! It says Miss You Mom!
Randy made a humpdy dumpty egg.
Also I was "chosen" to represent California for the Change of Command ceremony. It sounds like a good thing but nothing is with Senior. It was a punishment in disguise because everyone got off the three days that we had it and I had to stay till 3 for this thing! But as always I am more than happy to represent CA. I guess not everyone got to have their state. There were about 5 guys who fought over the flag with me. They were like "Oh I'm from CA too!! Why'd they pick you?" I was like well I guess I do a better job of representing California than you could do. Plus your from Northern California... How many shows do they have about your county? Ya that's what I thought. This one guy was like well I'm from LA. I was O cool, you have one show about your city... its just too bad Cops peaked in the 90's. haha I was not about to stand by the Mississippi flag or something. 
This is just from Saturday night. Brem, Nicole and Brandi.
This is one of my favorite things about Japan. The Cherry Blossoms!! I remember taking Christmas pictures here in late November and they had all red and orange leaves. 
Randy and I. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cozmo Park

Last night Randy and I finally made it to the big ferris wheel. It's actually a whole amusement park with roller coasters and fair rides and games. It's really pretty at night because every where has lights and all the rides and escalators have lights all over them too. 
Even though we had a couple of issues on the way to Randy was pusing my buttons really bad. Like he was pushing the big red button that has a clear plastic cover over it that says "do not touch" Yeah he was hitting that at 15 minute intervals. We didn't talk the whole 45 minute train ride to Yokohama. We're both so hard headed. 
But the night as a whole was so great! Jason and Smitty were there already so we hung out with them for a while. The park was free to get into, but the cab ride was 1475 and each ride/roller coaster was 700Y it was a little dumb. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feels like the First Day

First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEME!! I can't call, but I wanted to say Happy Birthday to my Meme.

So today is my second official leave day. It feels like the first because everyone had work off yesterday so I had people to hang out with. Today was a nice day though. I did the regular things, shower, clean up my room, finish off the dishes and do some laundry. Oh that reminds me I need to get some more detergent right now before I forget.

But now I'm at Starbucks listening to every mom on this base try to shut their screaming banchie of a kid up. I swear this base is a whole other world when I'm at work. I'm so glad I don't have kids right now. I wouldn't be able to take it being in the military and all. These moms must feel so limmited. Being on a base and all...same people all the time. eh

But yeah I got Taco Bell for breakfast/lunch and wow! I walked in at the right time. I guess its lunch time for all the middle schoolers and high schoolers because the line went from two people to twenty in about thirty seconds. I came in just at the right time. 

I don't mind it all. I'm just happy that I didnt have to be locked in the metal box today from 7-4. It's nice!! 

Last night Randy and I saw "He's just not that into you." It was good, defiantly opened up my eyes. But I already knew that I am an idiot. Anyways after that we met up with Ashley and Jason for drinks at Kenny's. Ashley just got her first tattoo. A half sleeve. It looks great too, and her half sleeve was the same price of my tiny little kiss that looks like crap. I am going to get it retouched next check. Never going to Scratch Addiction again!! WOW! I will put up a picture when i get one of her. 

Other than that I'm just stoked to go to the giant ferris wheel today after Randy gets off of work!! We were supposed to go yesterday, but we were both too tired and didn't feel good. 

I'll post my picts of the largest ferris wheel in Japan when I get them...<3

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why so glum panda bear?

Not Required reading but this is what I do on boring Duty days.

Name somet​hing you are doing​ tonig​ht?​​​
I'm not sure,​ but my leave​ offic​ally start​s at 0001 so I might​ get waste​d for the first​ time in two weeks​ to celeb​rate!​ 

To who did you last give the middl​e finge​r to?
When we were doing​ store​s (​you'​ll only get this is you know what store​s is or you have "​humpe​d"​ stuff up/​down ladde​r wells​)​ but the middl​e finge​rs was passe​d down the line!​ lol

Is there​ a meani​ng behin​d your profi​le song?​​​
The first​ six days we were in Japan​ we went to Boot Camp and did karok​e and Randy​ sang that song to me. lol :) "​going​ crazy​ crazy​ baby"​ it was painf​ul but cute!​

How many hours​ did you sleep​ last night​?​​​
a ton. I was in bed by 10! I'm becom​ing a huge loser​!​

Where​ is your numbe​r three​ on your top right​ now?
who is my numbe​r three​?​ oh its Jamey​,​ i had to go check​.​ I have no idea where​ that black​ man is!! I misse​d a call from him last night​ at 2144 so i dont know.​

Somet​hing you reall​y want right​ now?
yes. i reall​y want a vente​ sugar​ free vanil​la soy chai latte​ right​ NOW

Do you think​ you'​​​re old?
no, but Randy​ is

Are you a jealo​us perso​n?​​​
HELL YES! When i was born I had all the atten​tion,​ its kinda​ my thing​ ever since​

What were you doing​ an hour ago?
looki​ng up direc​tions​ to place​s in Japan​ (​tokyo​ tower​,​ build​-​a-​bear in yokoh​ama.​.​.​the GIANT​ FERRI​S WHEEL​!​)​

What'​​​s the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?​​​
mouth​ wash from this morni​ng after​ i brush​ed my teeth​

What are you weari​ng?​​​

If you could​ seek reven​ge on someo​ne would​ you?
who says i cant!​!​ and heck yeah i do it! 

What'​​​s the great​est thing​ that happe​ned to you today​?​​​
i woke up, and i was alive​.​ but my room was kinda​ a mess

Do you ever think​ "​​​what if" about​ anyth​ing?​​​
what if randy​ didnt​ make out with owens​ in georg​es.​.​.​.​what if i got fat, what if i got hit by a moped​ while​ cross​ing the stree​t.​ They'​re every​where​ in Japan​.​.​.​so the proba​bilit​y is high

Has anyon​e said they love you in the last week?​​​
yes. randy​,​ brem,​ brand​i,​ gambl​e.​ I love to say I love you to peopl​e.​ i think​ they like to say it back too!​!​ LOVE LOVE LOVE!​

Does any part of your body hurt right​ now?
i have an itch,​ but no.​.​.​not in any pain right​ now

What'​​​s a fact about​ the last perso​n who texte​d you?
my siste​r got a new neckl​ace

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
daddy​.​.​.​.​i defia​ntly look like a big fat mexic​an

How long was your last reall​y long phone​ call?​​​
like three​ minut​es.​.​.​.​makin​g reser​vatio​ns at the navy lodge​

How many pictu​res do you have saved​ on your compu​teer?​​​
o jesus​.​.​a lot

How many peopl​e do you not get along​ with?​​​
i agree​ with Gambl​e,​ every​ones a hater​ these​ days

Are you afrai​d of rolle​r coast​ers?​​​

Do you wake up crank​y?​​​

Whose​ car were you in last?​​
dunno​.​​ no perso​nal vehic​les in japan​ reall​y.​​ well no one i know

Whats​ the weird​est thing​ you'​​​ve heate​d in a micro​wave?​​​
easy mac. I LOVE MAC N CHEES​E

What is the last thing​ you did befor​e you went to bed last night​?​​​
haha Gambl​e is funny​.​ i just gotta​ put that out there​ real fast!​ Um randy​ calle​d so i talke​d to him last night​

Do you curre​ntly have a hicke​y on your neck?​​​
i dont think​ so. thats​ trash​y.​ 

Do you remem​ber your kinde​rgart​en teach​ers name?​​​

Do you trust​ your bestf​riend​?​​​
I will never​ trust​ anyon​e 

Is there​ anyon​e you can tell every​thing​ to?
I tell every​thing​ to every​one.​.​.​.​and anyon​e who will liste​n or is on watch​ and cant leave​ their​ post so they have to liste​n

Do you have plans​ for this weeke​nd?​​​
YES!​!​!​!​!​!​!​ YAYAY​AYYAY​A TOKYO​ DISNE​Y!​!​!​ YAAAY​YY and navy lodge​ maybe​ a littl​e ferri​s wheel​ actio​n,​ some good eatin​ at hard rock yokoh​ama and build​-​a-​bear hunt.​ I'm alrea​dy attac​hed to Chilt​on Gerar​d Cobb.​.​.​AKA Chill​y J

Faceb​ook or Myspa​ce?​​​
i have no idea how to or desir​e to opera​te faceb​ook 

What was the last thing​ you watch​ed on tv?
phenu​s and fern.​ Best new show

Pics from yesterday

More Valentine's Day Pictures, Camera phone style!!
This is Randy sleeping on the train home from Yokohama.
This is what I wore yesterday. It was so pretty, its a dress.
Do you believe this BS!?!?! A "Surf City Huntington Beach" shirt in a Yokohama snowboarding store. I'm angry. Randy bought it. Gotta represent.  
My little Meeem in her newly remodeled kitchen. She looks so tiny.
The Bunny mug that Brem bought me for Valentines Day.

Valentines Day

The Store
This is this morning on duty. This is where I work. 

Yesterday was a really good day. I sent Randy on a scavenger hunt and got flowers!!! We went to Yokohama to look for the ferris wheel, but never found it. :( 

Today I'm on duty and I'm going to google it. But here are some pictures....HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TODAY for everyone back home. Hope yours is as good as mine! <3
George's for a couple drinks.
More George's
This is why I love Valentines Day!!<3<3

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The US Navy never fails to make my day a good one

After standing a 24 hour duty day, and working till three today, I now get to stay another 2 hours on the boat for drinking coffee in my space.

Enough said.

After all the work, and no shower...(or hot water) and muster after muster...GQ and all...You can cut me a two hour break?

If anyone still wants to dog on my tattoo....

join the Untied States Navy (AKA loose your time, dignity, and anything else you held dear to maybe?)

Then come talk to me.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's really been a while

Hi Everyone!!!
How have you guys been? I know it's been a while since I've blogged and I'm sorry!! I went through a "phase" we'll call it. Not to go too much into that, because it's over now thank God but you didn't miss much. I bought a can opener! So now I don't have to stab my tuna cans to death with a butter knife. A couple of other things happened in the last month or so....
They finally fixed the light in my closet! Which makes my mornings a heck of a lot easier! 
I bought a few more pairs of boots! :) This is past addiction! You already knew.
Valentines Day is coming up...I did a superb job on wrapping Brembo's gift!! I'm so excited to give it to her! 
Something came over me and i wore suspenders to a bar. IDK! I think I look good. hahah I only say this because I got a lot of compliments.
We celebrated Brem's 22nd Birthday!! I decorated the ness out of our room! Fun night!<3
I went to Harajuku...yes, like Gwen Steffani's Harajuku Girls. They exist. They go WAY overboard....but for someone who dresses like they need all the attention in the world they don't like pictures taken of them. Can you find me in the picture? It's super crowded there!
Another fashion, um discovery....or risk....I wore a tutu to a bar. Again IDK, but AGAIN I think I look good! And AGAIN I did get a lot of compliments.  
I went to an Elvis Museum. 
I got a tattoo. It's not that big! Its way smaller! That was just the night that I got it so its swollen.

Another Big Buddha Trip 02-08-09
The inside of buddha, you can see the layers they built him it, and rebuilt him again.
See the part where buddha go his bottom kicked my a tital wave in 1498.
Randy being a werido.
I cant resist a warm rock.
This squirrel! GOD! I think Japanese squirrels are better at acrobats! You have no idea how hard it was to get this picture!
Buddha Buddha

The Blender from Heaven 
This thing is a gift from the Gods!! I saw it and had to have it! Since then I make on average three smoothies a day! I'm experimenting with new and innovative smoothies. One that I just made but cant finish because it tastes too much like my Grandma Pat's pumpkin bread (its very filling.) Anyways its 1 cup canned pumpkin, 1 cup soy milk, 1 TSP cinnamon, and 1 cup apricots (which I didn't have so I used frozen mango chunks) and 6 packets of splenda! It was good, but I just couldn't finish it. At the moment I am enjoying a raspberry lemonade smoothie! In the morning I make banana chocolate smoothies with chocolate pudding powder! They're delicious! Anyways this thing is my favorite home appliance that I've bought! Well favorite out of two...this and the four slotted toaster which I am still very proud of. But here are some pictures of my baby! 
Oh and I bought a book on called Jamba Juice Power. I cant wait till it gets here!!! Jamba juice started in San Luis Obispo CA! Plus I LOVE THEIR SMOOTHIES! And they're all "treat your body like a temple...blah blah blah." So it should be a very interesting book to read!
You can make two individual smoothies (and the cups turn into mugs!!!EEE) or you can have a party and blend something big. and it has a nozzle at the bottom that lets you pour it out with out taking it off the blades! NEAT, I KNOW!

So that's whats been the deal lately, so as you can see your not missing much other than some new cloths and home appliances! 

I take leave in 5 days! I cant wait. I have big plans for tokyo disney round two: Tokyo DisneySea style! Also I am going to go to the Tokyo tower, some temples, and Imperial Palace Garden. I'm also going to try to squeeze in another snowboarding trip, but we'll see how it goes. Not made of money here. Oh and I'm going camping in Ikego, only its not real camping because you can rent these cabins for $40 a night. They don't have running water or electricity so one could consider that roughing it. 

Well that's the plan. Sorry I've been so cruddy at writing in this. I miss you guys. Especially you mandy! Who i never talk to! Get that emailing fone and email my fone!! Just dont be like kaitlyn and email me at 230am! 

Alright gotta get going...I'm going to see 7 pounds with will smith in it. I have NO idea what its about I'm only going because its three dollars to get in! <3