Tuesday, September 30, 2008

@ George's Bar RIIIGHT NOW

Randy and I say HI from George's right now. Apparently there is a computer here, so i am drinking a chu-hai right now...it's Delicious. We're here for Atkins "going away party" even though he isn't going away for two months. So Randy and I are going to go play a game of pool and I have no idea how. I know I'm a loser.

We also went to Tom and Jack's and our dollar is still there. I am wearing Kara's Edison Cheer T-shirt!! HI KARA!! I saw the koala bear cookies that we had in Hawaii, but this time everything was in Japanese.

OMG how cute!! The bar tender just came up to me and was like "Are you Sam? Did you ever find your purse?" How sweet!! :)

We'll I'm going to go suck at pool. Hi Randy's mom. He says Hi mom and he loves you and Hi to Meg and the twins...He says he is still gaining weight. Don't worry. (he really is. We went to GNC today and bought a BUNCH of muscle milk today) SEND A PICCY OF THE TWINS IN THEIR DISNEY GEAR!!!<3>


Last Day

So since I last wrote I got my liberty card. My senior wasn't mad at me, thank God. So yesterday I was able to leave the ship. We didn't do much, it was raining so hard all day. The weather is weird here. When we pulled in I wore a dress for the first three days and it was hot. Now its raining for the second day in a row and I am wearing my ugg boots out with my big American Eagle pea coat. By the way mom I got your second package today!! :) Thank you so much!

Randy and I didn't do much yesterday. I'm glad we didn't go to the bar, there was a whole shaboggle with a girl from V-1 and and I'm just glad we didn't have to be anywhere near it. Some people are pretty dumb. They think they're going to get away with these things but they never do. Anyways so Randy and I walked to get some lunch and then we went to the Navy Lodge, which was so cute and themed. I wish I had my camera to take pictures. We just hung out there all day. We tried our second new drink, well he got it for me. It was good. Tasted like old man juice, Kaitlyn would understand. Then we went to chili's and Randy had this steak, he was like omg try it, it's so good. It wasn't! I was like now how can you possibly say that when you know you loved my dads steak. I cant wait to get my care package from you dad... I assume your working on a way to get me that steak. haha jk.

Then we got smart and took a taxi back to the ship. It is so weird sitting in the back looking in the front left seeing an empty seat. Also I always felt like he was making too wide of turns because he was going into what I thought was the wrong lane. It was an experience. Anyways the taxi driver said that it was going to get even colder. That there was going to probably be snow when we pulled back in for November. He said that it stuck for four days last year on base!! :) I cant wait for a cold Christmas.

Then Randy and I just went and watched a movie but we ended up falling asleep. I'm sorry I don't have pictures of the hotel and new drinks and everything else. I already have a new camera picked out.

WE PULL OUT TOMORROW! :( Randy has to work tonight... it sucks that he cant even enjoy our last night in port.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Duty is like Paris Hilton

You act like you hate it, but deep down (very very deep) you like it... but its hard/embarrassing to tell people. If you say you like duty people would look at you like you completely lost your mind. Because no one wants to be stuck in a big metal box when you can go out and have fun. But let me tell you I have been going out and having my fair share (and everyone Else's shares) of fun and I'm a wee bit tired! Duty days force you to slow down very fast. It gives you time to do the things that you're always putting off. Like doing your laundry or taking that long shower, or cleaning out your rack. Duty seriously sucks because you know that your boyfriend is out at the bar playing beer pong/making Friends with your ex and you cant be there to witness it all:) But its okay. Because there is NOTHING you can do about it.
They scan your ID so they know what time you leave the base, and what time you came back. They also know if that day is your duty day and they'll get you! So I had a pretty dreary duty day. I woke up super early because I was worried about my purse and I stayed up till 1030 that night. It was an attempt to wait up for Randy to come home and say hi. It's always super funny to see everyone come home. My berthing is right on the way to the V-1 and V-0 office and every person has to walk by my P-way to sign in...so I get to see all the "drunkies" attempt to make it up the stairs! Its like better than Mario cart...or watching the hills! I'm going to buy a new camera and just record that stuff.
So I already have my new ID!! :) How did I pull that one off? I DON'T KNOW, I guess I can just make friends easily. For those of you who aren't in the military; when one looses their military ID that's like loosing your soul! That thing has EVERYTHING on it (full social and theres personal info in the chip) it usually takes about a week to get a new ID. You have to route a special request chit (a piece of paper saying you lost it and about 5 really hard to find people have to sign it saying they think your worthy of getting a new ID.) Also you can't go looking for the people, when they get around to it they will. I'm just a wee airman and let me tell you, I'm very low on the "importance" list. But I have a big mouth and by 7 am the next day EVERYONE knew that I lost my purse. I sent out a chain email to about 50 people, including my two chiefs and some other important people. Made my way down to personnel and nagged them about ID's, apparently they only had 20 left for the entire ship and those things go like hot cakes!
I'M PROUD OF MY SELF. high five Sam!
Now to get a new liberty card. This could be a little harder. So I'm going to ninja my way into my senior and Master chief of Air Department's minds. I am going to wear a class "responsible" dress and cry a lot! Whatever it takes right, I mean I was suppose to go see the Big Buddha today! :(

Come 7am for work we'll find out. I'll keep you posted! <3 huge hugs and lots of kisses. I miss you mommy, and dad I'm sorry for calling you so late. I must have counted backwards wrong. I didn't mean to wake you up. <3

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Life's tough, Get a helmit!

So its about 5AM, I can't sleep for the fear of getting killed by my Senior. Tonight, well last night, my entire purse was stolen. I left it in a "v-1/v-5 purse pile" in the bar and poof...GONE! So I did have the most amazing pictures that I've ever taken of me drinking this weird Japanese drink from the vending machine, and of the night but its gone :( some little skank hoe is walking around with my new purse, my digital camera, ID, liberty card...all that shanangans! I sent out an email to all my VIP's but I'm at terms with the situation and I'm already on WetSeal and Forever 21 buying a new purse. A smaller one that I dont take off my arm. So a huge shout out to the millions of people Seret, Gill, and Bruse's lovley wife and my Bubby THANKS FOR SEARCHING and if you see some little whore walking around with a black Roxy purse knock her ass out!

So other than that the day was great. Like I said Randy and I took a crack at the vending machines. We are branching and we're going to try a new thing everytime till we get to a happy medium. Gotta catch 'em all. lol wow, anyways we were going to attempt to use the train but no yen, so we went on base to use an American ATM and we ended up at George's and Kenny's. lol I had a good time though.

Randy and I officially have left our mark on Japan. There is this bar with millions of 1 dollar bills with writing all over the, (insert picture of me and Randy hanging up our dollar bill. O I cant!jkjk) But I wrote bubby love bubba forever on it. So if anyone is ever in Japan go to our bar and you'll see that little ol' Sammy Aker was there with her best friend.

I also officially found the most amazing little shop that is perfect for my dad's birthday turned early x-mas gift. Don't think I forgot daddy. It's just turning into a project!! More mula than I thought but your worth it. Anyways you'll have it by El Cap. Pinky promise.

So that was my night. Now its 530 and I get to wake up and have DUTY!!! in less than an hour and a half. Not to mention that its SUNDAY...I so should be watching sponge bob in my jammies and eating a bowl of fruit loops or CTC (cinnamon toast crunch) duh.

Have a better day than me. I miss everyone. Love you guys. Dont worry a million other girls had their purse in the purse pile and they have pictures with me. They're gonna email them so I'll post some pictures later<3

Friday, September 26, 2008

Love It

So I've only been in Japan for two days and I love it! I didn't think I was going to like it but I think its going to be hard for me to leave. Everything is so different I don't even know where to start. This is a good example: The toilets are so different. I was wondering how to pee in it. My friend has a Japanese wife and she told me you just squat. I was like what if you pee on your pants or get a cramp. I guess you just have to deal. Now the toilet scene on base is a little tricky too. You can listen to music and have a warm seat and all. I was pushing buttons while I did my thing and this water starts shooting up at me, I didn't know how I turned it on so I didn't know how to stop it. It was a soft gentle stream, it could probably have sprayed up about ten feet! So I didn't get up because I didn't want to get it all in my hair on my dress.
Also I can drink legally over here. Its a nice change of pace to be doing it and knowing I'm not doing anything wrong. WHAT NOW HB POLICE!! Its great. My goal is to go out everynight and never purchase one drink, so far its been easy. Japan is a crazy place.
So the club/bar scene is nice. They have this red drink it taste like strawberry kool aid and its SO good.

Thats a little Kanji for you. You cant understand anything. Its like trying to get directions and not having a map or talking to a 5 year old spanish speaking wall.

My lovley boyfriend and I outside the ship.

All the places are so nice. Guess where that is. Not starbucks, guess? Here's a clue

Nice uniforms... Still dont know, We'll its McDonald's!! It was better than American McDonalds. Japanese know how to do American fast food good!

Gotta try them all!

Some yen. cut off two zeros at the end, and thats the real ammount!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am so excited for tomorrow. Apparently we dont have to wear our whites all day, or at all if we dont leave our work centers or berthings!! So all that stressin' I did over my epic shoe search was a waste. The navy has a way of getting to you like that.

So tomorrow we pull into Yoko for the first time! I can't tell you how excited I am to wear a dress and have my hair down!! First stop is Starbucks for a nice sugar free vanilla chai latte, no doubt everyone saw that coming. I cant wait to hug and kiss Randy for the first time without being paranoid. Our year is coming up in a couple of weeks! It always feels like longer with the whole living together for 7 months before dating. Non-the-less I am STOKED! I will be sure to take tons of pictures and post them. I cant upload pictures unerway because of the whole proxy deal, but I have a friendemey down in ADP who can probably show me some trick around it. I'll try talking to him.

So they are spelling something out on the flight deck in Japanese with all the people who are in their whites and we are also manning the rails. Not me, hahaha! Which is always a good thing standing out there for three hours at parade rest...I dont think so. Not to mention some mean person took my shoes...a. thats nasty and b. THIEF!

I cant wait to order my frist legal drink!!!! First night we pull in! I'm pretty excited for that. Well I'm looking forward to tomorrow all I have to do is pick out some cloths.

A little Back-tracking and Updating

So to be fair, I have to start from the very beginning. I would say it all started in my recruiters office on Beach Blv in Huntington Beach. From there my frist place was Chicago. There isnt much to say about Chicago except I hated it because I almost died from the shock of the cold. (and they're mall sucked...No Abercrombie, No Hollister, and no Nordstroms.)

After my time great three weeks in Chicago I was sent to Pensacola, Florida. Where I loved it. I lived on land and had a great barracks room and a really good best friend. I wish I had started my blog there because I had a beautiful view of the beach (for those of you who remember Delta barracks it was the last one, right next to the water.) It was gorgeous! I had a lot of fun there going to bars/clubs and what not. Then I got my first set of orders to the USS George Washington, Norfolk VA.

That takes us up to about a year and eight months to date. This is where I met my best friend I could have ever had Miss Kaitlyn Mclellan. Her and I were in the same division, and she was the only "normal" (AKA shops at Abercrombie and hollister, doesnt enjoy video games, and likes to party) person since I joined. I moved in with her soon after I got to VA. We had a sweet little three bedroom townhouse in Littlecreek and I could go on and on about the millions and millions of incredible memories and storys from February 07 up until the night Randy and I got our last cab ride to the ship. :( I did actually cry. I had to put Paco the Purple Pathfinder in storage, and Randy drove home Malicai back to Michigan. During that time I met, not only my best friend, but the love of my life. On a seriously stormy night that totally set the tone, Randy and I got on the USS George Washington to head out for Japan... or so we thought. We completed a little bit of RIMPAC. We braved the fricken FREEZING weather of the Straights of Magellan.

Randy and I

We went to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and Valparaiso, Chili. I have millions of pictures of Rio and Chili, I think I'll make a photobucket link for them, but here are a few.

The Centro Del Christo (The Big Jesus)

Rio's Gorgeous Beach

Brazillian Soccer Jersey
We were only underway just shy of two months when on May 22 our ship caught on fire. Since no one got seriously injured I can say that I was stoked we were "stuck" in San Diego for the next three months. Now this I have pictures for because my macbook was nice enough not to erase my entire past.

Disneyland, Anaheim

San Diego Padres Game
Camping in San Elijo

Magic Mt.

Huntington Pier

There are a bunch more times, but I honestly dont think the pictures are even loading correctly and the internet on the ship is always super slow.

That brings everyone up to date. Since we left San Diego, California on August 21st nothing has happened. A few flight ops here and there, a math class and some business finance, but thats pretty much it. I'll start taking more pictures when we get to Japan. We are only going to be there five days then its off to Pusan, South Korea and Guam.

Get ready for MORE!!!!
I will also make links for:
>Norfolk, VA pictures
>Straights of Magellan
>My Helo Ride
>Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
>Valparesio, Chili
>San Diego, CA
>First Look @ Yokosuka, Japan