Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mexican in Japan

Strawberry Margarita
It was really good.

Last night I said I was craving some Mexican food...and the two times I had Taco Bell weren't cutting it. Brem found this really good Mexican food. The only downside is there are like three flights of stairs to get to it, which wouldn't be a problem if their margaritas weren't so strong! 

Thursday, November 27, 2008

OH Kait..I caught Benny RED HANDED!

He Lied to us Kaitlyn!! There is your sweatshirt, that he said he lost over and over again! 
I'm still at starbucks
Me feeling pathetic that I am at Starbucks, still, when I could have been camping with my dad or in the desert with my mom.
If thats not enough I went to George's last night and Breez had my Tin Benders sweatshirt on. lol he was like I knew this had to come from somewhere. 

I'm going to Randys house now, after I finish watching this episode of the Mandy and Miley show.

Horrible Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving in Japan. Happy Thanksgiving everyone back home and in Michigan, and in VA....I don't know anyone else anywhere. 

So we didn't have work today. I woke up at seven, which is sleeping in to me. Randy called around 930. We were supposed to go meet my friend and have Thanksgiving dinner at her friends house, but Randy locked himself out of his room in shorts and a t-shirt.  So I came over all dressed up with red tights a cream colored sweater tunic and my cute new boots that I bought yesterday. Anyways we couldn't make it because he had to wait for this guy to come back from lunch so he could get a new key.

We ended up at McDonald's and I had a BigMac for Thanksgiving. :) lol its cool. The holiday is a little overrated. 

...yah, this does suck. I miss my family. 

Well we all went to starbucks. Smitty, Jason, Randy and I. Jason and Smith left and then Randy left me. So here I am. Out of $$$ because I had to HAVE those boots. There were $108, which isn't bad, but when your used to shoe shopping in Korea and street shops in Japan it is! 

I'm thinking about ordering another gingerbread latte and then go walk around the city. 

Randy went to shiboua, thats probably not how you spell it but you say it like Shoe-boo-yah. If you want to see where he went watch 2 Fast 2 Furious. The scene where they drift into the most crowded intersection in the world. 

im bored

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Base Pictures

HI! We are at Starbucks right now. Just wanted to post some new, really new, like 10 minute old pictures! Enjoy!
This is pretty enough to be a Christmas Card Picture
So they just walked in and I was like "OMG you guys look so cute." They said that they are kindergarten teachers and they let me take a picture with them.
The Starbucks on base that we are in right now!
The base, its all hilly and grassy... I like this picture! 
All the cars are so little. I could probably lift them....probably
This is HOME. The second window on the left. Outside one. So I came home from work and Brem got me presents! Along with the plants she got me gelly snowflakes to put on our window and a play dough scenery. 
This is my plant. She is a poinsettia, I named her Holly. I know its plain but its a classic Christmas name.
This is Brems plant. She couldn't think of a name but she knew she wanted it to start with a "T" so I named him Tenenbaub. 

In other news we got an unsat on our first inspection. I couldn't believe that they already had an inspection! We failed because we had cloths (dirty and clean) in piles on the floor and we didn't have our stuff locked up. First off wow its only been two days. The NEX and the 10o Yen store is out of hangers so all my dresses and coats were on the floor. Second...we have to buy a dirty cloths hamper. So whatever.... A girl already got caught with a guy in her room overnight. What a loser! People seriously just push the envelope.

We are about to go get some dinner! Brem knows this Italian place and I'm craving some Italian food! So were off...
PS We had to run our PRT and Brem did soooo Good She got a 1215 on her run and I got a 1230. Randy did 91 sit ups and 71 push-ups and he got a 1108 on his run! We all did good! 
Thank God that is over! 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Picture Updates

The Stolen Sim Card!
So about a year ago while I was living at the house in VB we had a party and some loser stole my sim card out of my camera. I remember being so upset and calling my dad and being like why don't they just take the whole camera while they're at it!? So I turned the house upside down and nothing! A year and a half later my ABH3 Neal comes to me and is like why are there picture of you on my boyfriends PSP sim card. I was like what let me see. Her white trash missing tooth suicidal boyfriend was the culprit. This is the guy she wants to marry, I feel so horrible for her son, her new step dad is a total loser at life! 

Anyways here are the pictures! They're olllld and my hair is SO short, but the people are still  the same, for the most part. Minus Kait :(
This is about a year and a half ago when Randy wasn't my Bubba Bear...yet.
Our hair was so short!
Me and this kitten at Caseys house. He had a pet kitten and a snake?
Me and Tucci at the Pac Sun in the mall in VB
That is the pink camera.
Blind date night! lol This is the night Matt took me out to... I cant remember the name of that nice chinese food restaurant. I miss you Kait!

Okay so I bought my friend birthday hats and noise makers and her boyfriend ended up getting mad at her or whatever the case she didn't go out so I had all this birthday stuff and I decided that it was my birthday! I didnt buy one drink or any admission to any clubs that night! 
I look so goober
Yeah this is the real me! 
Clubbin it in Guam! It was hot! so excuse the lack of cloths
I look like a ghost! Good God, I swear in real life I am more tan!


Good Deal, the Internet is free at starbucks. I was planning on having to pay like $20, but this is nice. So anyways I'm so sorry that i have not written in about five days. I had a lot of time the last three days before we pulled in but the fricken proxy was up at unusual times. I barley had time to shop. 
So anyways we are HOME!! I have only been in port three days and i am loving it!! I LOVE JAPAN!! So the first day we pulled in and i got off the boat at about five. Randy and i went right to Chili's to get some food. Randy had this amazing steak. I always want to eat what he has, i think its because he looks good eating it and it makes the food look more appetizing. I'm not sure but i know that his steak was SO good. Then we went out and met up with all of our friends and went to George's. Randy and i had to get a hotel at Hotel Yokosuka and it was $220 for one night! I have never spent so much money on a hotel for one night. 
The next morning Randy woke me up early so he could go get his barracks room. On the walk back to base he bought me two hot coffees from 7-11 and i put them in my pockets. That is one of my favorite things about Japan; the hot coffee from a vending machine. There are so many kinds. You can get hot coco or hot tea too. Its tasty.
Then i went to the ship and woke up Brem and we took a shower and got all of our stuff packed up. OMG I never realized how many dresses i have and how many pairs of boots (UGGS, furry boots, heeled boots and cowboy boots) and pumps i have. Three duffel bags including my dance bag...JUST SHOES! I had a huge Roley duffel bag full of cloths too. 
Randy got his room then we left the ship with all of our stuff and went and got Brem and my room. We have nicer rooms. PICTURES!
This is our little kitchen. It is when you first enter the room. Then you have to open another door to get to my room that I share with Brem.
first look at our room!

I finally get to stand up all my products!
Closet number one. WALK IN
Computer desk area
These are from last night, at George's again of course. Randy and I got cell phones. I cant call home or anything, but I can call text and email Randy for free. Our first family plan. Its about 40 dollars a month, so thats not bad. 

He took my hair clip so I took his 9 baller hat! lol
Polo giving Brem a bear hug.
We tried this ice cream but it was so grose, you never know what your getting yourself into with 7-11 in Japan so you just have to pick something because your so hungry.
My bubba bear on blue street with all the Christmas Lights!

My Japanese fone. All the buttons are symbols. I have never felt so dumb before. Normally you can hand me any fone and I can figure out how to call, check messages, and text. So far I know how to call and email Randy. But no one better leave me messages because I don't know how to check them. lol. I know how Meme feels now. 
My bed, after I got a comforter, sheets, pillow cases and a throw! I love my bed! 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Get on The Ball

I wont write much today because I dont want to make it any harder for my dad to catch up! <3

However I will say FOUR DAYs AND A WAKE-UP!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I remember being in Norfolk thinking I wasn’t going to be able to survive in Japan because they didn’t have Olive Garden or Target, since then I now see that everything is going to be alright because of online shopping. While it may be true that you have to wait fifteen to twenty days to receive your Yankee Pumpkin Pie sentenced candle or your Xxhiliartion red footie pajamas it’s alright. It makes you plan ahead for an event and learn to budget your money.

Plus I don’t think I would even get out of my rack had it not been for knowing that I get to see Randy for a bowl of frosted flakes in the morning AND thinking that “Today is so the day. Yeah, yesterday and the last four maybe fourteen days before today were not, but today just might be the day that I receive my Christmas Party & New Years Eve dress from or my 5/$25 Christmas themed underwear from” You just have to keep your hopes up.

So there is so much going on here, it’s out of control. Everyone is at each others throats today, as they always are this time of underway. The last five days are sometimes the hardest. Everyone is so anxious to pull in, and they are so irritated with the same people for the last three months that they often snap…a lot.

Deep Breaths, five days and a wake-up and this nightmare will be over. When I say nightmare I mean minus the great shoe shopping in Korea, and the wonderful “vacation” on the most gorgeous beaches I have ever seen in my life. No nightmare pertains to the Petty Officers telling the pregnant girl in my division that she is “useless,” and moving her to night where everyone can forget about her. Another definition for this “nightmare” thing called underway is the constant cleaning every morning from 730-830. Or the endless watches and getting woken up in the middle of the night to get screamed at. It’s a love hate thing this Navy is. More hate than love most of the time. :/

WelP I have to go. The proxy is back up, thus ending my shopping spree on and the small patch or normalcy I had obtained for an hour. And by the way shopping at an actual target or doesn’t get any easier. You go on needing paper clips and shampoo you come out with a hundred dollars worth of shi-nanagans you didn’t know you needed. I went in for some thanksgiving smelling candles and I came out with a pair of cute rainboots, adult footie p.j’s, the Nightmare before Christmas Movie soundtrack, knee socks, a small wastebasket for my bathroom and there was this Vegetable steamer that was so cute, but I know I wouldn’t use it. If only they had PB&J automatic makers. That would be convenient and efficient!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BIG news people HUGE!

Such an eventful day here onboard the USS George Washington…I don’t even know where to start!

Lets start with the most recent and backtrack. I arrived up in the tower a couple of minutes ago and I was notified that I was going to receive a counseling chit for being laste for a watch that I never knew I had. I didn’t sign it. However I wrote an extensive note in the “comments” section. Smead was like Aker can you come in the hall I have to talk to you. I was like Yeah, your going to give me a counseling chit. Lol. He was like well as you know you were late to your watch. IHe said that he had tried multiple times to try to inform me of the time but however in the end he admitted to failing. I wrote a cute little note. I put on my thinking cap and got a little creative for this one.

Whoa. Scratch that. Between the last paragraph and this one I saw the CO of my ship, Captain Haley fly a prowler. Oh my, I have never seen anyone fly like that. I mean with no regard for NAVTOPS or anything. It was fun to watch. He looked like he was having fun scaring the bah-Jesus out of his crew. He came into the break at about three hundred knots and broke right over the bow and it looked like he wings were bending. Then he does a fly by breaks hard into the pattern again and in going up and down up and down in the pattern. Then lands. I was like well…

So back to what I was saying, before I got the chit, I was in the berthing all morning. I used my pisher for the first time. I was so excited because I have wanted on for the longest time and I just couldn’t find the kind that my mom had. Apparently no one knows what a pisher, and now seeing it be spell checked I don’t think anyone in the world knows what it is becides the girls in my family. It’s a water bottle that pishes water onto your hair. A much more effective way to wet your hair than getting the brush wet. Then it drips on to your freshly pressed uniform.

Before that I decided to start a journal. I was in the laundry room in San Diego doing my laundry and I was watching a movie on my macbook and this kid just starts talking my ear off about macbooks and how great they are. Out of politeness I nod a few times and stuff but mind you I’m in the middle of watching Emperors New Groove so I have my headphones in and he is still talking to me. He was talking about all the stuff he installed on his mac and comparing and contrasting it to windows pc. I’m like Is he serious right now? Then he is like do you have word on your computer. I was like NO but I have wanted it so I can write stuff then put it on the computer at work. He gets this CD and pops it in and next thing I know I have the newest version of Microsoft Everything on my macbook. Long story short I found a cool journal thing. I customized it. It really looks like a journal. Its on a “desk” and you get to pick the kind of desk background and stuff. It looks like a binder too, it has ring holes and stuff. So that was fun for a while.

I finished my second book in three days! I don’t know what has gotten into me. I think my attention span just doubled. But I went to the library today and picked up TWO book this time, seeing how fast I go thought them these days. LOL Anyways one is about this chickie buying a beach house in Redondo Beach and the other one I picked because it had a picture of a goat on it. Like the kind you feed at the petting zoo or fair. He looks so cute with his little goat ears and goat mouth, I just wanted to feed him some grass or whatever it is that goats eat! I am looking forward to starting them tomorrow morning after I eat with Randy.

BEST PART OF MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I checked my emails and was doing the regular deleting with out reading from all the people at work who email me stuff that goes on at work like spot check and inseve inspections…(Its so cute, they think I care, ummmmmmmmm) So I almost deleted an MWR on, but I didn’t and I opened it and YES! It was the email I have been waiting for FOREVER! SNOWBOARDING TRIPS CAME OUT!! LALALA I just feel like singing! They had some one day ones for $55-$60 and some two day over night ones for $250-$300 and the one I have been dying to go on for SO long Hokkaido!! It’s a four day all paid trip to the top of Japan. Hokkaido is the like the top island part. Its $650 per person for a two bedroom hotel and it gets cheaper if you want to share a hotel room with more people. But it covers transportation (air fair, and busses) dinner and brekkie, three day lift ticket and lodging! Who is excited?!?! (I am *raising BOTH hands)

*oh and also they have some day trips that are like $40-$45 where you can go SLEEDING and ICE SKATING! Fun new winter activities. I thought I hated the cold. Well I still do. I mean snow looks all fun from afar, but then you get in it and you’re like…ahhhhhh get me OUTTA HERE! Unless your on a snowboard, or sled, or on top of Randy who is on a sled. Ah I’m so excited! California is great but my dad is still saying its hotter than hell and summer never seems to end and Turkey Day is around the corner. That’s not right. UM I just want to add this and ask anyone, anyone at all if this is normal behavior!?!?

“Yesterday we had a meeting of the minds in the garage to talk about what we need to do to get ready for El Cap.Mostly about the pig that we are planning to cook up.Seventy five pounds of it in all.Eight to nine hours on this special bbq we bought.The cahja china box.It should be exciting.All the guys love the idea and all the women think that it's gross!!!Whatever.”_My Dad

Dad are you out of your mind!?! A pig, do you even know how to cook a piggy. Is suz going to be able to handle that? Since it has a face and all? That’s just sad. I’m glad I do not have to see that. But I have to admit it is a boy thing and I can see you and jim getting down to the dynamics of it all. You’ll have fun with it. I know you will.- ME

IDK, but to me…PIG (complete with Face) seems like a bad idea!

Best Part of it all….Now I have tons of things in my calendar. Its so colorful. I love my I cal! It pops up everyday and tells me whats going on!! So EXCITED! I love calendars!

ps I received the picture of the house daddy. It looks better than ever. So warm. I would post it if i had the capabilities.

AND KRISTEN! My friend Kaitlyn was reading my blog and saw that i mentioned Twilight and freaked out and said she concurs its good!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Under Pressure

Now there are officially nine days and a wake-up until we pull into Yokosuka for a total of six wonderful months on nice dry land!
The pressure is defiantly on. I have never been such a paranoid person in my life. Randy and I are not allowed to talk outside of the female berthing anymore, even though we have been doing that for the last two years and no one has had a problem with it. But this new senior chief hates Randy and there by association hates me! I think he is looking for anything to pull my barracks room away from me! He told Bremerman (my roommate and best friend on this ship) that he would understand if she didn’t want to room with me because I might "bring her down or cause the two of us to loose the room."

I REALLY hate that guy! He has too many deep seeded issues that I don’t think anyone could fix! I could go on forever but I am too excited to care about an old black man with “little man syndrome.”

In nine days I will be free again. The navy won’t feel like a prison sentence and I won’t have to spend nearly as much time in this metal box biting my tongue at all the stupid ways the poorly trained people try to run this organization!

I will come to work at six or seven leave at three or four and go about my life!!
I get to wear dresses, boots with heels, pumps and my hair and make up any way I want it. I will go for a run every morning and take a shower in a real shower where I will be able to leave my shampoo/conditioner, body wash and other shower items in the shower. I will have internet connection to the world. I will know what new songs/movies/any other drama in Hollywood is going on. I won’t feel isolated from the world. Best of all I won’t have to hang out with a bunch of dirty smelly guys who have no regard for when a girl is in the room and farting and burping are a common thing. Not to mention the “Its okay when we are out at sea…gay underway” concept.

I don’t think I have ever written about this before…because it’s often overlooked due to how common it is to me now. But the boys in my division act totally gay underway! They grab each other’s buts and say the nastiest things. They sit on one another’s laps and tell gross jokes! It creeps me out. I am not a homophobic. I’m from California, anything goes…as long as you’re a cool person I’ll be your friend. But it’s just weird because I know they’re all straight! I’m always like “What if you’re best fried from high school was here right now sitting across from you, or your mom. What would you tell her?” there is just a line of comfort that you don’t ever cross, and they cross it…daily! It’s anything but entertaining to me, but they love it. Proof that people really do loose their minds, inhibitions and themselves when they go underway!

I really don’t think people realize how it feels to put your hair put 24/7 for a long time straight! It’s horrible. Especially for a person like me; who likes to feel like her gender should feel. And hands down the most outspoken unique hardheaded person I know.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Plan is in Action

Today has been good! I woke up for breakfast with Randy like I always do and we had a good morning!! :) That boy has a new way of either making me SO mad or making me smile! I have no idea how he does it.

Anyways Randy and I made plans for pretty much the next four months and I'm so excited about all of it.

First thing we are doing when we pull in is getting a family plan with AU. I'm so excited about that. It's a big decision, which is weird since I have already lived with him and we pretty much pay for each other's stuff all the time. But this is being joined to billing. lol, its different than rent.

For Thanksgiving he said he wanted to cook. LOL. He can, believe me. So we will probably be getting a hotel room with a kitchen and making a dessert or something the night before or the day of to take to someone’s house for Thanksgiving dinner.

Christmas is still an undecided.

But we have big plans for February!! I hope I don’t go TAD! That would be horrible.

Kristen: You don’t have to mail me them...I don’t think they would even get here in time. But I appreciate it! However I will take you up on borrowing them from you in 10 days and a wake-up when we get home.

OMG DAD! You won’t believe this. I don’t know if you remember about a year and a half ago when someone stole the memory card to my pink camera? Well I remember calling you being all mad and saying how dumb, and why didn’t they just take the entire camera. WELL... Petty Officer Neal, the one who cheated on her husband, has a caught having sex on the boat, dated a suicidal loon, and screwed Brem's fiancé twice in San Diego while she was TAD to another ship for a month, then lied to us for three months saying she had no idea why Ryan was acting so weird and why he broke up with her out of nowhere, Well that petty officer Neal, we'll code name her Trash.

So Trash comes up to me and is like why are there a bunch of pictures of you on my boyfriends (the suicidal loon's) play station memory card. I was like OMG!! Your Trailer Trash boyfriend was the one who stole my memory card a year and a half ago. I took the memory card from here and was looking at all the pictures and sure enough it was my memory card. That piece of crap!! He saw me the next day talking to you on the phone and turning the house upside down for my memory card. And he continued to sleep there, rent free. OMG! That kid really needs to kill himself, only finish this time! I just feel bad for Trash's son...lucky him...his new step-dad is a freeking CRAZY!

So things come full circle! I want to email him so bad but I know it will just create stuff I’m too lazy to deal with. The only reason I can think that God put people like Trash and Suicidal Loon on this earth is to show everyone what it looks like to be the lowest a human being can be, annndddd to have a model of exactly what you don’t want to be, what you don’t want to happen with your life.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i cant count

We officially have eleven days and a wake up left of this under way. I don’t know how I was getting nine days and a wake up. lol.

Randy still has yet to have a cancer stick. Maybe he kicked that 14 year phase? I can only pray.

14 days till El Cap, I won’t be there this Thanksgiving! I made one out of three while I’ve been in the Navy. We are going to be in port for thanksgiving next year and I can’t wait to take Randy to El Cap and include him in the 15th year tradition with my family and neighbors. Is it fifteen years?!?! I mean I’m going to be 21 next year and we’ve been going since I’ve been seven at least. IDK it’s been a LONG TIME. We were going when my mom and dad were still together and that was over seven years ago. O wow. I can’t wait to have a family of my own and carry on the tradition. But first I’ve got to make sure they join the swim team, surf team, or Jr. Guards. Which will be a given.

Anyways I finished Hurt. Go Happy. I think I might mail it to my mom so she can read it. She would like it. Now I’m thinking I want I should read next. I might ask Kristen to borrow the first and second Twilight because she has mentioned it almost every blog since she started read them. Too bad I’m out to sea and can’t buy it.

I’m excited to get pinecones from Michigan so I can make turkeys out of them for Thanksgiving. I love the holidays :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hurt Go Happy

Hurt Go Happy is this book that I randomly picked up in the library. I was just waiting in line to get on the computers and check my email and I saw the book. That was yesterday and I am almost done with it today.

If you know me you know that I'd rather play catch at the beach or do anything other than read a book. I can’t even focus on the books that everyone loves like Harry Potter. So this book must be good.

It’s about a girl who went deaf after her father beat her. Her mother wouldn’t leave him and he eventually beat her until her hearing was completely lost. Her mother finally got the courage to walk away, but for reason she wouldn’t let her daughter learn sign language. She said it would expose her handicap. Joey, the daughter, meets an old man who has a chimp that was orphaned in Africa while he and his wife were giving medical attention to people who couldn’t afford it. His wife dies so he devotes all his time to Sukari, the chimp. She is pretty much his daughter; he knows sign language because both of his parents were deaf.

It’s a good book. I can’t put it down, even though I just did, but that was only to tell you that it’s a good one!

Randy has yet to have a cancer stick!! YAY!! I think he might have done it! knock on wood, cross your fingers...and your toes!

12 days and a wake up. I counted wrong before.

Kaitlyn is due next month. I cant believe its been almost nine months since she left me...all alone. JK I have bubba bear, but still. I cant wait to see pcitures of Olivia! We all miss you a lot kait!! <3 me the most!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Rip Mr. Snow Feathers

Today I wake up and first thing they send me up to the tower because I guess we were launching a cod. (It’s a big plane with two propellers in the brings the mail. That’s all I care about.) Anyways so after we launch the cod, I didn’t want to go to clean the p-way so Padron said i could clean the windows outside the tower. I have always wanted to do that so I was really excited!

While Padron was putting the harness on me saying "I feel like I'm dressing a little kid..." I looked out the window and was like OMG! A bird had possibly misjudged the height of the tower and flown into the side! He went kersplat against the window. It was so sad! Padron had to peel him off the window, and I said a few words for him :( We had a burial at sea, because the guys threw him overboard.

Other than that I wanted to say THANKS MOM!! for sending me that 25% off @ American Eagle. I am currently shopping and I found a lot of cute stuff there. You would be so proud of me; I haven’t been to American Eagle, Abercrombie or lately. I have been shopping from and!! The cheap places!

Also thanks to Randy's mom for sending me the Christmas card stuff!! I am so excited to make Christmas Cards for everyone!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

If I were the CO

Days left till Yokosuka!! = 14 days and a wake up
Days that Randy hasnt smoked: 6 in counting!

"B4 I forget tell Randy that he's probably saving his life in giving up smoking.Tell him that grandpa quit 47 years ago and had started up as a kid and that quiting is probably the reason he is here today.Those are words straight from his mouth.Well,enough on that but tell him to keep it going."- Daddy

Lol I forwarded him that email! So I pulled a fast one on Randy. Everyone always gets care packages when they call mail call (and I probably dont make it any better because I am always sending myself stuff or begging my dad to send me a care package plus my mommy has sent me my pea coat **KUDOS on getting that one out mom**) but non-the-less, my little bubby was sad that he hasnt been getting care packages so I sent him one while we were in Guam. I just put m&m cookies, easy mac and that kind of stuff in it. I also made him Cuddle Buddy. I have Guid and I decided he should have someone too. He is made out of a sock with button eyes. He's adorable. I wish I could post pictures because I took a picture of him and Busta.

Speaking of Mail Call...If I were the CO I have a few improvments that I think would make the crew happier
1. Instead of calling mail call do the blues clues mail call "Here's the mail it enver fails it makes me wanna wag my tail, when it comes I wanna wail MAAAAIIIIIIIIL!!"
2. Instead of saying "Cleaning stations, Cleaning Stations...All hands now cleaning stations say "Clean up, clean up. everybody clean up."
3. Instead of yelling at people when they do something wrong say "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things do not belong. :)

I have more but Padron said if I walk down to the ships store and get him candy he will buy me an apple juice...and I really want to try the japanese apple juices they have on the ship.

BYE <3

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Let the Countdown Begin

Days till Yoko: 15
Days that Randy hasnt had a cancer stick: 6

Nothing much going on. Back out to sea. I think Smachmouth is flying off today. They have a lot of time these days. I didnt even go to the concert last night, it would have been cool in 7th grade.

I'm just excited to get home and wear all my winter cloths. I cant wait for it to be cold!! I think we are going to Randy's second classes house for Thanksgiving! Which is like my second favorite holiday because I love to eat.

Thats all. Oh and I dont mind blogging for Randy. I dont think its really a guy thing...or a Randy thing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I am very proud to say that today is Randy's 5th day with out smoking!!! I am so happy for him!! Five days ago I was in the tower watching his division muster down on the flight deck. The shooter up in the tower was making a voice for his Divo down on the deck because he was talking with his hands! It was so funny!! He was making it look like he was saying the dumbest stuff! Anyways I saw Randy and then after the muster was over I saw Randy go down in the catwalk where the smoke pit is. I like ran down the 12 flights of stairs and waited outside the smoke pit. Vanessa and Ashley were like What are you doing here Sam. You don't smoke... I was like I AM CATCHING HIM IN THE ACT, Mr. One a Night!

So his first class saw him, and saw me and put two and two together and he tried to escape out the back. BUT I caught him! Some words were said, he was like I pinky promise that I wont go in there.. I was like I'm not touching your finger it smells SO BAD!

So he promised to stay out of the Trailer Park (the smoke pit) and TODAY IS DAY FIVE! YAY!!!! I'd hate to say "here is my fiance..." and have him smell like that!! Its more about his lungs! Ew I CANT STAND SMOKING! adkfaj I wish I could upload and post some pictures of a smokers lungs, it would make you throw up!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hard Rock

I have never had such horrible service at a Hardrock EVER! 20 minutes for drinks and hour for appetizers and 130 for our food, which was thrown down, in front of the wrong person. We hand to go tell the waiter that our drinks needed refilling...and flag him down for a to-go box. Whatever we still made the best of it. We were the only table that stood up and danced around to the YMCA! In the entire place!! lol well all five of us...Randy was too drunk to get up. LOL I'm just kidding. I made him eat his entire burger. I swear that boy is either inhaling his food or barley touching it. 
Dad you have a sweet Hardrock Guam shot-glass com
ing your way! Mom and Dad I got you a little something from the Underwater World Aquarium too! I'll send it with the weird food that I got you from Korea that has been sitting in its Priority box, one for each house. Your going to trip when you see what those Koreans eat! How long ago was Korea? Well it doesn't matter its all pre-p
ackaged preservative stuff. 
Here are the picts In Order this time. 


**Because I am retarded and lazy, you should start from the bottom of this blog because I typed, then loaded and they're all backwards. <3**

I touched a shark!!!! Brem was like LOOK AT ME! and i was like no this shark is probably a beast waiting to get revenge from little kids who poke him and he is just waiting for that second where someone looks away and BAM! lol but I hid my fear well. 
The view from our hotel room
Me, um...yah.
So originally it was my friends birthday but something happened and her boyfriend pissed her off so I had gotten her party hats and things you blow and make a noise from, I decided that I would put it to good use and tell everyone its my birthday, I also told everyone my name was Amber. Idk I just went with it...
Club Globe
It got CrAaAzZzA
I just had to take a picture, the tree just grew the wrong way. Only some would think its funny!
The Hotel Pool! It goes on FOREVER! 
I helped pick out those sunglasses in San Diego! <3

This is the beach. Did I mention that I can legally order alcohol now? (Like I would "need" to...HA) But if I wanted to pay for my own drinks I could. Its the principal. 
My Gorgeous Boyfriend
Hi Everyone!
I am in Guam. Its gorgeous here. The weather is perfect, think Vegas plus moisture. The water is SO clear, and its been non stop fun since we pulled in, minus my duty day on Halloween...That sucked being on the boat with all this gorgous 80 degree weather and watching everyone get in costumes and go out!!!
I have tons to say but I'm a little busy right now.... Randy wanted me to blog for his mom. lol so YES Here are the pictures